Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Emmet County began administering a County Zoning Ordinance on October 30, 1972, following the completion of the first County Comprehensive Plan. As intended, Emmet County serves Township zoning functions through a County-wide Code. For more information, contact Ruth Shehigian, Planning Commission Chair, at 269-274-3930 .

Master & Recreation Plans

Township Master Plan

Township Recreation Plan

Planning Commission Applicant Information

Friendship Township Planning Commission
Applicant Requirements

The Friendship Township Planning Commission meets the 4th Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Township Hall. In order to be placed on the agenda of this meeting, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

The type of information the applicant needs to submit is the same as that required by Emmet County Planning and Zoning. The phone number for this department is 348-1731. If there is any question about what needs to be submitted, please call Emmet County Planning and Zoning or the Friendship Township Planning Commission Chair or Vice-Chair.

The Friendship Township Planning Commission has requested the Emmet County Planning and Zoning Office to give a copy of this sheet to each Friendship Township applicant.

Copies: Friendship Township Board
Emmet County Zoning Administrator